Tuesday, September 1, 2009



"Faith without action is dead."

Faith has a significant connection to the divine. In our day to day living here on earth we encounter many trials and difficulties that can make us decide to pursue a drastic move which will eventually lead us to the wrong path. Sometimes we feel that the world is on our shoulders making us very tired, which will eventually lead us to discouragement.

Upon entering into this world God already knows us of what we are and what we are to be. "He wanted to test us like a gold in the furnace," St. Jerome Emiliani said. Yes it's true that we are to be tested by God. He permits evil in order to test our faith. So by now what is faith based on the above sentences?

Faith is our self-manifestation to God believing that He is everything. Secondly, Faith is our unwavering contracted trust to God that He will be our light in our darkest days. And lastly , Faith is the endless doing of good things acting like what Christ manifested here on earth.

In the The Sisters of Mary School-Boystown in Mingalnilla wherein I was an Alumnus we had a group installed there namely THE LEGION OF MARY. I wonder what really made it stand amidst the trials and difficulties it encountered. Is it prayer? It is beyond question that it rises because of this. Prayer is the oxygen of soul so to as Legion of Mary is a body it continues to operate because of prayer. But the big question is these, what is it's backbone? Would it be faith?
Absolutely it is! In an organization installed whether it has a connection to the divine or not, the backbone of it is no other than faith. Imagine your body without a backbone. I can further say your body is useless without faith. It would likely be a crumpled paper being thrown in the garbage can, so useless that the one who sees it would not hesitate to get rid of it.

So in conclusion, what I would like to emphasize is that Faith is believing, trusting and doing in God. Faith is our backbone so that we can stand up straight. Now we are called to extend fully our feet and hands to the horizon to help those in need. It is our calling today to act. But how can we look straight if our body has no support(backbone)? So now, I hope that my reflection could touch your hearts. I hope Christ is within this writing telling you about this thing. Remember this I am not the one who made but it is alone and only God.

With my prayers and petitions offered to all of you I would like to say," Good day and may God bless us all!"

" May God be glorified above all things for his kindness endures forever!"

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